See How Villagers Tied Five Alleged Witches to a Tree Before Doing This Sad Thing to Them - ZIROL'S BLOG




Wednesday 8 November 2017

See How Villagers Tied Five Alleged Witches to a Tree Before Doing This Sad Thing to Them

See How Villagers Tied Five Alleged Witches to a Tree Before Doing This Sad Thing to Them

Five women accused by villagers of being witches have been brutally assaulted by villagers in India.
They women were tied to a tree and beaten mercilessly

Villagers in Madhupur, north east India have brutally flogged five women alleged to be witches after tying them to a tree. The sad incident took place in front of the entire villagers.
In a barbaric act of mob justice the women are believed to have been accused of practising witchcraft, but no details or evidence of their alleged crimes have been produced. They were made to stand in the middle of the village and a rope was wrapped around all five women as they stood with their backs against a small tree.
Stood in traditional dress, the women's faces are then filmed as they await their fate. The police were not made aware of the incident until they were shown the video footage.

One of the women also made a written complaint, begging officers to investigate.

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